All attempts at healing are to a large extent stress therapy. Stress is a systemic phenomenon. That means no matter what issue distresses you, interventions aimed at facilitating recovery are some form of stress therapy. Whether it is mental or physical difficulty or unrest and pressure arising from work, finances, relationships or any other circumstance, our therapy can help.
A simple way to unburden from too much stress is to let go, at least for some time, of whatever you think is most important. What appears urgent fades into nothingness with the passage of time and the shifting of emphases. This shift in the credence we give to some matter can be willingly brought about. What is needed is a view of what is unshakeable.
For instance, some systems cultivate sustained attention on the truth that everything ends. In such systems, contemplation of endings like death or even change play a significant role in generating acceptance and calm. When attention on endings is enhanced, it becomes easier to visualize the culmination of any pain or difficulty we might be facing.
With a reduction in the intensity and urgency of troubling issues, we can shift focus and generate additional capacity. Our stress therapy aims to generate the psychological reservoir to successfully negotiate distressing circumstances and mental states. With this way, learning and reflection are very important.
Genuine therapy is not a quick fix but a steady cultivation of that which enhances capacity and flexibility.
What we offer involves several methodologies not restricted to shifting perspective or practices like breathwork or meditation. Central to our way is the element of being ready to learn with whatever may be occurring. And not just seeking relief.
If you would like to learn and employ our stress therapy, please schedule a preliminary chat by clicking on the link below. We will get back to you within a few hours to help you decide if you would like to avail formal stress therapy sessions.
Understanding Stress and Stress Therapy
The first step in managing stress is to understand it. Circumstances change and come and go. With stress the common factor is us. Perhaps the only way to manage stress is to understand it through looking within. Change and distress are inevitable. When the road is thorny, we can either try and make the path smoother or we can wear good shoes. This metaphor applies to stress too.
Trying to modify circumstances and environments is not a sustainable approach to stress. In trying to lessen distress, we have to work upon ourselves. There is no other way.
The demands upon us are accentuated by how we are. Perception and deliberation determine how any particular stimulus is processed. When we face what is difficult, we can react by choosing to learn. This is a certain way to keep moving towards managing stress effectively. No other way is as certain.
Learning how we perceive and why we arrive at the conclusions we usually do lets us modify our response to stress. For modifying responses, we have to view what comes before them, not outside but within us. This kind of exploration while not easy or quick is extremely important.
Stress is largely a response, and the study of responses and their antecedents in us is the only fruitful way of managing it.